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Councilors Haseman, Reed, Vitry, Weinberg, Evans, Fisher, and Cameron, plus the city clerk at the desk during council meeting
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Meeting will be broadcast on this page
Meeting agenda is here.
Meeting takes place at Golden City Hall - 911 10th Street (map)

5PM Study Session

Energy Codes for New Construction

Council will consider changes to the City's energy codes for new construction. The changes have been studied and are recommended by both the Planning Commission and the Sustainability Board. Learn more.

Extending Funding for the DDA
The Downtown Development Authority currently gets to keep a portion of the incremental (growth in) sales tax generated in the downtown district. They use this money to "promote and enhance programs to benefit downtown businesses and residents, including holiday lights, power washing, additional maintenance, and grants." The size of the increment has grown over the ten years of the DDA's existence, starting at $68,147 in 2014 and growing to $494,747 in 2023.

That sales tax increment is set to expire at the end of this year. The DDA is recommending that Council allow it to continue for six more years, starting at a new base of $125,000. Learn more.

Extending the Boundaries of the DDA District
The DDA (or at least DDA staff) also hope to extend the boundaries of their district to include the City-owned property along 10th Street, east for Ford. Learn more.

Land Use Changes Resulting from the Legislative Session
The Planning Director will update Council regarding land use changes approved during the recent legislative session. See the memo covering all of the follow.

The blue line shows the #17 RTD route through Golden. The black lines show a distance of slightly less than half a mile from the bus route - enlarge

HouseBill 24-1313
The state is pressuring cities to increase density near RTD routes. In Golden, this would include the area within half mile of the light rail station as well as the area within a half mile radius of the #17 bus line, which includes South Golden Road, the Ford-Jackson corridor, and all of downtown. The state plans to incentivize this change by offering funding for Cities that zone for 40-dwelling units per acre.

House Bill 24-1304
Another change affecting those transit areas eliminates parking requirements for multi-family housing.

House Bill 24-1152
This will require all single family neighborhoods to allow accessory dwelling units. At present, some of Golden's Homeowners Associations (HOAs) prohibit ADUs

House Bill 24-1007
Golden currently limits (to four people) the number of unrelated adults sharing a home. This was an attempt to minimize homes packed with Mines students. The State has overridden this regulation. This change takes effect on July 1st of this year.

Senate Bill 24-094
This bill strengthens requirements (and penalties) on landlords to make repairs in a timely fashion. It is in effect now.

The memo also discusses three bills that were passed by the legislature but have not yet been signed by the governor. HB24-1175 would give cities the right of first refusal when multifamily rental properties are put on the market. HB 24-1099 would reduce fees for tenants receiving eviction notices. HB 24-1294 would require improved language transparency for communications from mobile home parks.

See the meeting memo for more information on the changes-to-come.

Proposed New Business: Short Term Rentals
Councilors Cameron and Evans are proposing new business involving short term rentals in residential neighborhoods. A group of neighbors in the East Street recently expressed concern about the number and use of short term rentals in that area. Staff researched the complaints at five of the properties and four of five were not in compliance.

The residents are asking that compliance and regulation be tightened. Staff points out that they will already be busy with the land use regulations described above and asks Council to decide whether this issue is a higher priority. Learn more.

Proposed New Business: Formalizing City Open Space Acquisition and Protection
Councilors Cameron and Evans recommend that we we look at our plans to acquire and preserve Open Space within the City limits. In 2018, the Planning Commission informally discussed potential acquisition parcels, but the City has never formally taken steps to plan and acquire open space. We receive funding from Jeffco Open Space every year, but tend to use it for parks, trails, and programming. We could, instead, earmark some of that money for acquisition of land that was intended to protect views and preserve a buffer from development. This suggestion is timely, as the City currently has consultants working on an Open Space Master Plan. Learn more (starts on p. 9).

7:30PM City Council Business Meeting

The meeting will start with public comment. If you want to contribute comments in person, be there at 7:30. If you prefer to submit written comment, send email to before 3PM.

Consent Matters
All of tonight's topics fall within the Consent Agenda, which means they will not be discussed unless one of the Councilors requests discussion. A single vote will approve the following:

  • A $267,990 expense to replace part of the HVAC system at the community center. More.
  • An agreement with Dinosaur Ridge Resorts to convey sewage to the Pleasant View sanitary system. More.
  • An IGA with the County to use their parking lots during our biggest special events. More.

These items will be approved on first reading and will return for a public hearing on July 25th:

  • Designating 805 13th Street as a Local Historic Landmark Property. More. More.
  • Designating 807 13th Street as a Local Historic Landmark Property. More. More.
  • A petition from Henry Tiberi, requesting to remove two of his properties, at 916 and 918 9th Street, from the 8th and 9th Street Historic District. More.
