For the Financially Nosy Among Us:
Many cities (and the State of Colorado) provide all financial information–all revenue and expenditures, including payroll–on their websites. Golden has been working towards that goal, but for a city our size, with limited accounting staff, it’s a slow and complicated process. Last week the Finance department provided a very welcome stopgap measure. They have posted PDF reports showing our expenditures for 1st Quarter 2019, 2nd Quarter 2019, and all of 2018. Check it out! If you’ve ever wondered what we spend on wastewater treatment, attorney’s fees, replacing concrete, or diverse other topics, try scanning through the lists. (Tip: search for a keyword, such as “wastewater.”) Not everything is there yet, but this is a great, very interesting start.
4PM City Council held an executive session (off-camera, public not invited) after last Thursday’s meeting. Those generally involve some kind of negotiation, and in fact the topic was the proposed purchase of the Coors Office Building on 10th Street. Today at 4PM, they’ve holding a “Special Meeting” which will immediately go into executive session on the same topic. City staff and their consultants are finishing the “due diligence” that precedes a sale (where they look for problems with the foundation, roof, mechanical systems, soil, groundwater, etc.). Perhaps they found some really-expensive-to-fix things that are causing them to think twice about the purchase. (Total speculation on my part–I have no insider knowledge on the subject.)

6:30PM The Downtown Development Authority will meet in City Council Chambers. They will go over the responses to the recent GURA and DDA open house. They will discuss upcoming capital and redevelopment projects, which will include a crosswalk across Washington Avenue at 17th Street, to provide a safer route for the Mines students walkng between campus and the new student apartment building across from Safeway. City staff has been looking into putting ornamental lighting in Miners Alley, but recently learned that Xcel will not allow them to use their utility poles. The Golden Mill on Ford Street and the old mortuary at 1100 Washington Avenue have both submitted building permits, which staff is now reviewing. Learn more…
6PM – Fireside Pickers at New Terrain Brewing
6:30PM – Some Assembly Required – Teenaged Improv in Parfet Park (free!)
7PM – Open Mic Night at Columbine Cafe
Tuesday Preview:
10AM Director’s Storytime and Craft at the RR Museum
12PM Power Lunch Lecture at NREL – free, but reservations required
5PM Leadership Golden Meet & Greet at the Old Capitol Grill & Smokehouse. Alumni – meet old friends! | Candidates – learn more about the program!
6PM Jeffco Open Space – Living with Wildlife Symposium
6PM Historic Mining Maps Presentation at the Mines Library
6PM Book Group at the Library: The Lost for Words Bookshop by Stephanie Butland
7PM Parks, Recreation and Museums Board