Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
JCPHD updates the Coronavirus statistics Monday through Friday at about 3 PM. The next update will be included in Tuesday’s post. Golden had 20 new cases in the past week (232 on October 9th and 252 on October 16th).
Virtual Golden
Online Church
The following Golden churches have information about virtual services and/or sermons on their websites:
Calvary Episcopal Church | Faith Lutheran Church|First United Methodist Church|First Presbyterian Church|Flatirons Community Church|Golden Church of Christ|Golden Presbyterian Church|Hillside Community Church|Jefferson Unitarian Church|Rockland Community Church|St. Joseph Catholic Church
Real World Golden
9AM-2PM Brunch at the Rose – Music from 11AM-2PM
11AM Wild West Pub Crawl
Live Music:
3PM Look Both Ways at Wrigley’s
Golden Business News

The Golden Fire Department visited Golden City Brewery yesterday to thank them for the Hatch Chili Beer release. It’s not too late to pick up a four-pack–all proceeds go to the Golden Fire Foundation!
Golden History Moment
To those of you who asked to receive a self-guided cemetery walking tour, I’m working on it, and you can expect to receive it in a few days.

During the Golden history class I recently taught, we had a brief discussion about traffic laws in the early days of automobiles. I was talking about the elaborate rules that the City of Golden designed to try to get people to park in certain ways (parallel on one street, diagonal on the next, etc.). One of the class members asked whether people were willing to abide by these rules, or if they were all inclined to resist government oversight and would insist on parking however they wanted to park.
I had no answer to that question. If people objected, the Transcript wasn’t writing about it. However, I did comment that people had traffic accidents constantly in the 19-teens, and they may have been glad to have somebody coming up with some standards.

The August 5, 1915 Colorado Transcript included an article describing “at least nine automobile accidents…in this county during the past four days.”
1 The worst accident occurred on the North Golden Road (44th St.) near Mt. Olivet Cemetery. a car “plunged off the road and turned over several times.” There were five occupants and all were thrown from the car. One woman had a broken back and internal injuries and was expected to die. One received a compound fracture of a leg and dangerous internal injuries. A third occupant had a deep gash in the forehead, the fourth a broken arm, wrenched ankle, and deep cuts about the head, and the fifth had internal injuries.
2 The next accident occurred when an auto containing five people skidded off the road between Golden and Idaho Springs and tumbled down a mountain side. The car turned over twice. All were painfully injured and one was taken to a hospital with internal injuries.
3 A Roadster went off the road west of Morrison and turned completely over. All were injured, but one woman had serious internal injuries because the car “landed squarely on her body.”
4 Another car went over a three foot embankment and turned over.
5 A “big International truck” went down a fifty foot bank near the Coors office building that the city recently purchased. It landed upside down after rolling over twice.
6 Near the same spot and within half an hour of that accident, a Ford hurdled over the edge of the road and landed 15 feet below in a pile of boulders.
7 A big touring car crashed into Louis Brunell’s car near Windy Point.
8 A Ford went off the road west of Genesee Park and landed in the trees fifty feet below, but the occupants were able to jump to safety.
9 “A big sight-seeing steamer…ran into an eight cylinder Cadillac on Lookout Mountain and tore one of the wheels completely off.” The driver of the steamer did not slacken his speed.
10 “A big touring car…plunged into the bank near Windy Point, and one of the front wheels was broken off.”

It was a thrilling and very dangerous time to be a motorist. The roads were hazardous, the drivers were all new and unskilled, and there were few rules or protocols to keep the new toys from colliding.
Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts as well as the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!