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Colorado Central Power Company ad from the 4/24/30 Transcript (center), Power Company office on Washington Avenue (left), Power Company billboard and Power Company parade float (right--both from the Golden History Museum collection) - Click to enlarge

In light of tonight's Sustainability Committee discussion of "Electric Preferred" building codes, this seemed like a good time to review historic efforts to encourage use of electricity.

94 Years Ago
The April 24, 1930 Colorado Transcript featured an ad from the Colorado Center Power Company, encouraging people to purchase Kelvinator refrigerators. The Power Company was a big advertiser in that era, with their ads encouraging people to go electric–they should buy electric appliances, heat with electricity, save money by using electricity.

In more recent decades, electricity has acquired a bad rap–it’s more expensive than natural gas for home heating, and our coal-burning power plants have been major polluters.

9 newspaper ads encouraging use of electric appliances because they are economical
Power Company Ads from the Colorado Transcript, 1920s-1960s

Interestingly, the pendulum is turning the other way now. For homes equipped with solar panels, electricity is once again “The Modern Fuel,” and “Your Biggest Bargain.”
