Daylight Saving Time Ends
Remember to set your clocks back tonight. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2AM tomorrow morning.
Real World Events
9AM-4PM Holiday Craft Fair @ the Golden Gate Grange
25201 Golden Gate Canyon Road, 4 miles west of Route 93 (map)
Browse a wonderful selection of items from local crafters and artists, including photography, books by local authors, poetry, an array of spectacular jewelry, leather fashion accessories, gift cards, barrel stave coatracks, stocking stuffers, decorative items, wood art and toys, farmhouse decor, holiday decorations, wreathes and ornaments, wind chimes, fused glass artwork, metal and horseshoe artwork, jams, jellies, savory dips, handcrafted kitchen and personal comfort items, goatmilk soap and lotions, Doterra and Princess House products, handmade dragons and unicorns, dried herbs, baked goods and much more!!! Lunch will be available for purchase. Free admission. More information – www.goldengategrange.com
10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
10AM Coffee With Councilors @ Golden Community Center Front Porch
10AM Wild West Walking Tour @ Golden Visitors Center
10:15AM Family Time @ Golden Library
12-2:30PM Walk With a Geologist @ Dinosaur Ridge
1-4PM Wild West Pub Crawl @ Golden City Brewery
2-4PM Women & Children at Work & Play Artist’s Talk and Reception @ Golden History Museum
5-9PM Night at the Museum @ Dinosaur Ridge
7PM “Going Wild in the National Parks” presented by Author Jon Waterman
7PM Clue at the Colorado School of Mines, Bunker Auditorium
7:30PM The Crucible @ Miners Alley Playhouse
Tonight and tomorrow afternoon are the final two performances of The Crucible. If you haven’t had a chance to attend in person, make sure you buy a ticket to stream it from home!
Golden High Soccer

5PM Golden High School Boys Varsity Soccer 4A Playoff Game
Northfield High School, 2700 W. 7th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204 (map)
Veterans Day Ceremony

2PM Veterans Day Ceremony at the US Marine Corps Memorial (map)
Arrive early and park across the street in commercial lots and walk across the street.
Guest Speakers: Cmdr. Jason Pratt, USN (Retired) and Sergeant Major Robin C. Fortner, USMC (Retired)
1:45PM Swearing in of new Marines
2PM Ceremony honoring veterans and the 100-year anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown
There will be an award-winning parade float of the Tomb on site as well. Music and a good time for all. Colors, flyover, speakers, etc.
All are welcome. There will be 100 chairs available for the elderly, special guests, and handicapped. Bring a lawn chair if you like.
There is a “Buy a Brick” program to help raise money for the remodel of the Memorial or simply donate whatever you can online or by sending a check to USMC Memorial Foundation, PO Box 441126, Aurora, CO 80044. https://USMCMemorialFoundation.org/

10:30AM to 3:30PM Toy drop
The United States Marine Corps Memorial annual ceremony for Veterans’ Day has been expanded this year to help Toys for Tots.

The Golden Civic Foundation auction is tonight. The tickets are long since sold out, but if you’re participating in the online silent auction, don’t forget to bid early and often!
Live Music

2-5PM Upfront Jazz @ Golden Mill
3-6PM Cyclone @ Goosetown Station
5PM Good For Nothin Thunder Mountain Boys @ Over Yonder
PM Roma Ransom at Golden Moon Speakeasy
7-10PM Chris Child @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
9PM Karaoke @ Ace Hi Tavern

Golden History Moment

108 Years Ago: How the Golden Library was Built
A movement is on foot among the various ladies clubs of Golden to unite in the effort to have a club building erected with commodious rooms which can be used as meeting places for all the clubs. It is also their hope to get a library started here, and have one room of the proposed new building used as a reading room. Committees have been appointed and it is believed action will be taken in a short time.
Colorado Transcript – April 17, 1913
The ladies of Golden, feeling the great need of a library and reading room here, have decided to serve a lunch on the Fourth of July…. All profits will be placed in a fund for the establishment of a free reading room.
Colorado Transcript – June 26, 1913
The ladies of Golden and others interested in the library movement held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the Gem theater to formulate some plans for the organization of a library association.
Colorado Transcript – August 7, 1913
Now I want to ask each one of you who live in a comfortable home, who has books and magazines to read and so many things to enjoy, are you willing to give and to do all that you can and ought toward making one bring sot in Golden, one room which will be a help to all of us, no matter where we live or what our circumstances are?
Colorado Transcript – October 9, 1913
…nine hundred dollars [has] been subscribed [to purchase and improve a building] and as soon as that money [is] collected it [will be] possible to pay the purchase price for the property…. …it will be necessary for all to work together and to give generously for its establishment and support, and if all will enter into the matter heartily we shall soon have a library and rest room of which we may be justly proud.
On Friday evening, October 24, the ladies of the Baptist church will give a millinery social in the church parlor. Come and get you a winter hat which will be both cheap and artistic. Proceeds of the evening will be given for repairs upon the library.
Colorado Transcript – October 16, 1913
The time has now come when the Golden Library association is ready to receive all books which are suitable for a first class public library. Many persons have promised to donate books and all others who wish to give books or magazines, so that others may have the benefit of good reading matter, are requested to send them to the store of J. H. Brown. It is requested tat the name of the person who presents a book will be written on the inside back cover…. All first class magazines, whether new or old are desired.
Colorado Transcript – November 6, 1913
Mt. Lookout Circle will give a benefit in the near future for the library fund. The “Old Maid’s Convention,” a short play, with a rather humorous streak in it, will be presented at the Woodmen hall.
Colorado Transcript – November 13, 1913
Many books and magazines are being sent for the reading room and library and many more will be needed…. With the cost of buying the building and putting it in repair it will be impossible at the present time for the Library association to buy books, but if each person will give as generously as some have already we will soon have a library of which we will be proud.
Colorado Transcript – November 20, 1913
Among the things that will be needed are lumber for floors, door casings and shelving, doors, large window glass and large shades, cement, brick, easy chairs and strong wooden chairs, good books and good magazines.
Colorado Transcript – February 19, 1914
All persons who have paid one dollar for a library card are entitled to membership after signing the constitution.
Colorado Transcript – February 26, 1914
Next Wednesday afternoon, the 18th, the girls of the Bow Knot club will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. Haldane, on Fifteenth street. They will have a musicale and a candy sale, and a silver offering will be taken. The proceeds are to go toward installing electric lights at the new library.
Colorado Transcript – March 12, 1914
The request of the library association for free water for the library was granted [by City Council].
Colorado Transcript – April 9, 1914
The ladies of the Golden library association have been working hard the past two weeks getting the new library ready for the reception tomorrow. The rooms are tastily fitted up, and the shelves are well filled with reading matter.
Colorado Transcript – May 14, 1914
About 400 people attended the opening reception at the Golden library last Friday, and nearly all of them expressed great surprise at what has been accomplished by the hard working members of the library association. Already the shelves are well filled with excellent books and magazines and the visit of so many people who heretofore have taken little or no interest in the library will bring many more books in.
Colorado Transcript – March 21, 1914
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!