Virtual Events
9:00-9:55AM Silver Sneakers Classic
10:15AM Virtual: Toddler Time with the Library
5:30-6:25PM HIIT & Sculpt
Real World Events
10:15AM Baby Time @ Golden Library
1-3PM Crazy Quilt Sisters @ Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum
Happy Hour at Miners Saloon (map) for Golden Chamber members
6:15PM Parenting in a Pandemic – Sponsored by the Golden Rotary Club
Class Description: Any type of tragedy, including the COVID-19 pandemic, can leave caretakers struggling to find what to say and how to connect with their youth. How do we help kids feel safe and secure in a world that doesn’t feel that way? This class covers how to help kids cope, strategies for caregivers to utilize to support feelings of control for them and their young people, and how caregivers themselves can take care of their emotions. Learn more….

6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall
Golden Community Garden
Tonight’s consent agenda (no discussion unless requested by a councilor) includes two items. The first involves approval of continuing the license agreement on the Golden Community Garden on 8th St.
Extending Outdoor Dining through the Winter
The second consent agenda topic is an ordinance that would continue to allow outdoor dining in the parking lanes and in Miners Alley. Originally, this year’s permits were to run until October 31st. This new ordinance would allow the practice to continue through May 31st of next year, by which time new permits could be in place. Staff has not sought public comment on this plan: “The requested outdoor seating extensions were brought to staff’s attention by individual local business owners and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Due to timing in order to meet the October 31 deadline, and the temporary nature of the request, wider community outreach has not occurred.” Tonight is the first reading of the ordinance. The vote will occur on October 26th.
They will read a proclamation regarding Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
What to do with the Brickyard House
They will discuss the fate of the Brickyard House (map). The City acquired this building in 2005, as part of a larger property purchase. Golden Landmarks Association indicated interested in restoring the building. The City agreed to sell them the building & property for $10, if they could find sufficient grant funding to restore it. GLA has made some progress, but the building is far from usable. It will also require purchase of a water tap & sewer connection. The estimated cost to complete the building is $800K. Council will discuss whether to release a new RFP, give GLA a final extension to come up with a feasible plan, or retain the building as part of the City shops complex.
3Q Financial Report
The Finance Director will provide the 3rd quarter financial report.
Traffic Cams
Mayor Pro Tem Brown and Mayor Weinberg will propose using automated traffic enforcement devices. If a majority of the Council agree to consider it, City staff will come back with a plan and cost estimate.
Senior Support and Open Records Policy
The regular business meeting will be followed by a study session, in which the discuss two topics. They will consider whether Golden is providing adequate support to our senior population, and will discuss Council’s email policy. They are considering whether emails sent to Council should be posted to the City website.
7-8PM Colorado Mountain Club New and Prospective Member Orientation
Weekly COVID Update
The Pfizer COVID vaccine now has FULL FDA APPROVAL. Safeway (map) is accepting walk-ins to administer these free vaccines. Walgreens (map) takes walk-ins from 9:30AM to 1PM and 2-8PM Monday – Friday. Appointments are not necessary, but they are available.
% of Jeffco residents (12+) who have received at least one shot (+0.3% since last week)
75.6% are fully-vaccinated (+0.6% since last week) – source
Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Oct 4th: 58,954 | Oct 11th: 60,102 (+1148)
Deaths in Jeffco – Oct 4th : 934 | Oct 11th : 946 (+12)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Oct 4th : 51 | Oct 11th : 49 (-2)
Recovered – Oct 4th : 56,427 | Oct 11th : 57,393 (+966)
Known Cases in Golden – Oct 4th : 2300 | Oct 11th : 2344 (+44)
COVID Vaccine Appointments
State of Colorado: Where You Can Get Vaccinated
Jeffco Public Health Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000
State Vaccine Hotline: 1-877-268-2926.
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Golden History Moment

99 Years Ago
The October 12, 1922 Colorado Transcript included the obituary for Jim Boyd. Boyd arrived with his family as part of the 1859 gold rush. He was 19 at the time. After helping his father build a house on the current site of the Golden Hotel, young James struck out to locate suitable land for a farm. He chose a prime location, halfway between Golden and Denver. Since he was not yet 21, he got his father to lay claim to the land. His father, in turn, deeded the land to him.

The article relates an encounter that Boyd had with Ulysses S. Grant. Grant visited Golden after the Civil War and before the presidency. He offered a cigar to young Boyd, who said he wasn’t going to smoke it–he was going to save it as a souvenir of meeting “the greatest general that ever lived and the next president. General Grant laughed, and said ‘Here, take them all.'” Boyd kept the cigars as a treasured relic of the day.
A true pioneer, Jim Boyd crossed the plains in a wagon, sluiced Clear Creek for gold, and staked out a homestead. His friends included George Jackson, Jim Bridger, Buffalo Bill, and other early explorers of the region.
The death of Jim Boyd removes one of the county’s most picturesque characters. A typical plainsman up until the last, his friends never tired of hearing him tell of the early days here, and he never tired of telling them. His happiest moments were when he was surrounded by a group of friends, who listened to him with rapt interest as he related the incidents of the stirring frontier days.
Colorado Transcript – October 12, 1922
Mr. Boyd is buried in the Golden cemetery.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!