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Carriages, Radioactive Microminerals, Slingin’ Paint, and Wellness Expo

Free Carriage Rides in Golden Colorado

Today will be another nice day for a carriage ride. They’ll be available from 12-3PM, with rides starting in front of Wings of Eagles at 805 12th St (map).  There’s only one weekend left for such Olde Golden Christmas celebrations, so enjoy it while you can.

From 2-4PM, the Rocky Mountain Micromount Association meeting will feature a presentation by Scott Braley on Radioactive Microminerals. The meeting is open to anyone interested.  The talk will be on the Mines campus in GRL 201, the large conference room directly across the hall from the CSM Geology Museum. 1310 Maple Street, Golden, CO (map)

Windy Saddle and Art on the Brix will host Slingin’ Paint in the Saddle from 5-7PM.  Join us to celebrate the holidays creatively with your friends and family! We will provide instruction so you can paint your own jolly giraffe while sipping and snacking on something delicious from the Windy Saddle Cafe. No experience necessary, just an adventurous spirit! All materials PLUS first drink are included! Additional food and drinks are available for purchase at the Windy Saddle Cafe. Tickets – $35

Connects Workspace will host a Wellness Expo from 5-7PM this evening. Come join a community of people who are unified in their pursuit for health, happiness, and supporting local at The Golden Wellness Expo. 

* Four presenters from the Health&Wellness community bringing tips, tricks, and interactive information for you to implement into your lives as well as the lives around you.
* Vendors sampling health conscious products
* Vendors selling local Holiday goodies
* Local brews and snacks


Monday Preview:
Tomorrow morning from 10-11:30AM, the Golden History Museum will present a lecture on The Vietnam War.  

The Vietnam War was one of the most divisive conflicts in U.S. history. On the 50-year anniversary of the 1968 protests, this lecture explores the origins of the anti-war movement, its impact on foreign policy and its place in American memory. Presented by University of Colorado – Denver Professor Dr. Greg Whitesides.

Dr. Greg Whitesides’ primary interests are the history of science, U.S. foreign policy and 20th century global history. His PhD studies emphasized the history of science, which involved archival research at the Human Genome Project, the National Institutes of Health and the National Archives (among others), and the eventual publication on the regulation of genetics and biomedicine.  After graduation, Dr. Whitesides worked for the University of Maryland and the Department of Defense in Japan and S. Korea before being hired by the University of Colorado in 2004. Since then, he has taught over 20 different classes in the CU system.
