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Business, Corrections, Music, and Lectures

The Local Licensing Authority meets this afternoon at 2:30 in City Council Chambers. They will review a transfer of ownership application for the Courtyard Inn and Residence Inn. Bono’s Italian Restaurant has also submitted an ownership transfer application. The Foss Company has applied to have the liquor license for their building at 1224 Washington Avenue transferred from YDF Enterprises to the Foss Company.  Learn more….

The Sustainability Board will hold their Board Retreat from 3-9PM today at Fossil Trace. They will discuss their strategic vision and identify 2-3 priorities, map out a work plan, and discuss ways to transmit historical knowledge from long-time board members to new members.  Learn more….

City employee Robin Fleischmann pointed out that I made some errors in yesterday’s DDA meeting description. First, I mis-read a document in the meeting packet and said that the DDA had allocated $15K for Movies and Music in the Park. In fact, they have allocated $15K for ALL special event requests and the city has asked for $1500 of it. The City has allocated $22K for Movies and Music out of another budget and is now asking the DDA to kick in another $1500. (The moral of that story is that the DDA has $13,500 left for special events, so if you plan to do one, ask soon for the money.)

Second, I over-simplified a discussion item about the Buffalo Rose. In October, the DDA approved a tax increment agreement with the Buffalo Rose that will result in their being reimbursed “up to $250,000 plus interest” of property tax by the city. Last night’s agreement was a “Collateral Assignment Agreement,” which said that the reimbursement money would be paid directly to the bank that made the construction loan, rather than going to the Buffalo Rose. I thought that was a bit more detailed than people wanted to know, so tried to simplify it by saying they were “reviewing the reimbursement agreement.” But now you know! It’s a “Collateral Assignment Agreement.” For details of the reimbursement, check the October meeting packet, and for details of the “Collateral Assignment Agreement” check last night’s packet.  They’re both available on the city website.  The DDA had also planned to consider a $58,500 sales tax incentive agreement in December of 2017, but that one is on hold for now.

Live Music in Golden Colorado

For those who aren’t as interested in City business as I am, you’ll want to know that the Library is having Ukulele Wednesday tonight from 6-7:30.  Dirty Dogs Roadhouse is hosting Tony Rosario Wednesday Night Wiggle starting at 6PM.  The Rock Rest Lodge has Dave Frisk starting at 6PM.

Dinosaur Ridge is having a talk tonight from 6-7PM on “What IS a Dinosaur?”  Join the Friends of Dinosaur Ridge for an interesting talk on what dinosaurs are, how they’re classified, and even what fossils are mistaken for dinosaurs! This also covers what are NOT dinosaurs.  Free.  RSVP at

Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum - Golden Colorado

Tomorrow night (Thursday March 1st) the Friends of the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum “First Thursday” Lecture Series Presents….”The Boulder County Tungsten District” by our guest speaker Ed Raines, Curator and Collections Manager, Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum.  Socializing and munchies start at 6:30 and the lecture starts at 7 at the Ben Parker Student Center, 6th & Maple Streets, Golden, CO (map)Learn more….

The Astor House lecture is also tomorrow night.  That one will run from 6-7:30 at the Golden Community Center.  Learn more….
