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Don't forget tonight's Budget Open House at the Community Center! This should be a great opportunity to learn more about their spending plans.

I made an error in yesterday's post when I wrote this:

2023: $110,127,474
2024: $155,881,220

2023: $115,377,053
2024: $166,578,393
* does not include capital expenses
** from the
2024 Budget in Review document

In fact, it does include capital expenses; I'm just not sure how much it includes. The Expenses by Fund in Detail (p. 13) included $2,670,000 for "Capital Programs" but the next page (p. 14) identifies $73,978,469 million for "Capital Outlay." What's the difference?

Also, what's the difference between the "Total Expenditures and Other Uses" of $101,693,519 shown on p. 32 of the 2023-2024Biennial Budget and the $166,578,393 "Total Expenses by Fund in Detail" shown on p. 11 of the 2024 Budget in Review?

And also, does the $166,578,393 include only $700,000 (p. 195 of the budget) toward the projected $65 million cost of the new city hall?

So many exciting questions! I hope to get the answers at the Open House.

Read the Budget in Review to find your own exciting questions! I hope to see you tonight at the Open House.

Golden Community Center
1470 10th Street (map)
