Christmas Dinner

The Golden Church of the Nazarene will do a ham giveaway next Saturday, December 19, to families in need. Their goal is to help 25 families. Along with the ham, they’ll provide a bag of potatoes and some canned veggies. If you could use one of these dinners, call the church at 720.863.8187 to reserve a spot. They will deliver the food to your car, to keep everyone COVID-safe!
Golden Church of the Nazarene | 17455 W 16th Ave (map) | 303-279-4336

Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing | School of Mines COVID-19 case page. | Stage 2 fire restrictions | Sign up for exposure notifications.
Virtual Golden
Online Worship:
Calvary Episcopal Church | Faith Lutheran Church | First United Methodist Church | First Presbyterian Church | Flatirons Community Church | Golden Church of Christ | Golden Church of the Nazarene | Golden Presbyterian Church | Hillside Community Church | Jefferson Unitarian Church | Rockland Community Church | St. Joseph Catholic Church
See a Play Tonight!
Miners Alley Playhouse is offering three plays that you can watch on-demand. Learn more….
Real World Golden
11AM-2PM Brunch at the Rose
12-5PM Holiday Art Market
2PM Wild West Walking Tour
Holiday Story Strolls
Take a stroll through Golden at your leisure and find displays that highlight various holiday traditions from around the world. Created in partnership with the Jeffco Public Library, the engaging displays offer an inspirational way to celebrate our global connections and promote peace on Earth. From your Smartphone, download the Scavify app and search for “OLDE GOLDEN CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY STORY STROLL” to join, or simply pick up a map outside the Golden Visitors Center (1010 Washington Avenue) for the location of all of the displays. Anyone who joins on the Scavify app will earn points and a chance to win prizes.

Winter Wonderland Walks + Golden’s Holiday Light Display
Golden’s impressive holiday lights transform the charming town into a winter wonderland with downtown, the Clear Creek Walking Path, Golden History Park, Parfet Park and the Visitors Center spectacularly illuminated with an estimated 45,000 bulbs. A single giant evergreen tree in front of the Golden Visitors Center is wrapped in approximately 5,000 lights all on its own. Start a new family tradition and bundle up, pick up hot cocoa at a Golden coffee shop, and enjoy an evening walk with holiday lights reflecting in the icy waters of Clear Creek and in the downtown shop windows.
Golden History Moment

97 Years Ago
The December 13, 1923 Colorado Transcript is full of suggestions for Christmas giving.
Foss Drug suggested perfume, ivory brushes, and ma jong sets for Her, Kodaks, cuff links, and radio sets for Him, and balls and dolls “for the Kiddies.” Jefferson County Power & Light suggested percolators, electric irons, and Hoover sweepers. Linder Hardware thought we needed Pyrex cooking ware, Winchester Tools, and Flexible Flyer sleds. Alpine Drug Store offered boxed candy, cigars, and stationery. Robinson’s Bookstore had books, Kodak albums, and “pennants for your college friends.” Tierney Jeweler promised that “Nothing can express the yuletide sentiment more appropriately than one of our brilliant diamonds or beautifully engraved wrist watches.”
Koenig Mercantile reminded us of the need for oranges, raisons, mince meat, and dates, and the City Meat Market said they would be getting a lot of nice turkeys.
G.H. Buckman & Co., dealers in coal, wood, feed, ice, and salt reminded us of the need to Buy Local with their suggestion to “Patronize home industry by buying Leydon Coal, mined in Jefferson County.”

I found the most interesting ads to come from blacksmith Fred Bochatey, Churches Garage, and the Golden Motor Company. Mr. Bochatey said, “Here is your chance to give your sore footed horse a pair of shoes for Christmas.”
In this transitional time (from horses to cars), Grant Churches thought “something for the car for Christmas” would be just the thing. Golden Motor Company was a bit less anthropomorphic, saying that the fancy accessories were gifts for the motorist, rather than the car itself.
Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!