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Golden's Bowling Through the Ages

black & white postcard image of downtown Golden. LaRay Hotel on the left (now Table Mountain Inn) Sign on right says BOWL.
Downtown Golden in the 1940s - Click to enlarge

85 Years Ago
The March 30, 1939 Colorado Transcript announced the opening of a new bowling alley. Three teams–representing the Golden Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce, and School of Mines–had been formed, and they would have the honor of rolling the first balls. More teams were being formed but they could only compete three at a time, as the business had only three alleys.

black and white image shows a crowd watching a parade.  Clifford Evans Golden Bowling Lanes in background
Clifford Evans Golden Bowling Lanes, shown during a 1941 parade – Golden History Museum collection

The original owner sold the Golden Bowling Lanes to Cliff Evans in January of 1941. He closed the business in late 1942.

ad  for the International Bowling Saloon promising choices wines, liquors and cigars.
Advertisement from the Western Mountaineer – July 5, 1860

This was not Golden’s first bowling alley, nor would it be the last. The International Bowling Saloon was built when Golden was only six months old. Another bowling alley operated in the Goosetown neighborhood in the 1870s. The Coors Beer Garden offered bowling, also in the 1870s. A new alley opened on Washington Avenue in 1902. It enjoyed a few years of popularity, but closed in 1907.

large one-story brick building with signs saying Golden Bowl
Golden Bowl

The Golden Bowl opened at 24th and East Streets in 1956, and closed in 2014. It was replaced by a Natural Grocers.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
