Dave Powers did his characteristically wonderful job of capturing events at the inaugural Artsweek Golden. Enjoy his photos on our facebook page.
The Golden Investment Forum Task Force will meet tonight at 6:30 in City County Chambers. This group was asked to evaluate the “wish list” of possible projects that we’ve compiled through many years of public meetings. They used a variety of tools, including paper surveys and two online surveys. Survey respondents were asked to select from a list of projects. If the cost of their projects they wanted exceeded $15 million, they were asked which type of tax increase they would support.
The spending category that received the most support was acquisition of more open space. In general, people weren’t eager to raise any type of taxes, but a lodging tax was considered the most acceptable.
City Council reviewed the Task Force’s findings and has issued their next direction for the group. First, they should develop better project descriptions and re-introduce some things that dropped out of the later surveys, including citywide broadband and new municipal buildings. Next, they should see whether people would support a lodging tax, and if so, which of the following the tax should be used for:
Open Space Parks and Trails
Cultural Facilities
Affordable Housing
Learn more by reviewing the meeting packet.
Tomorrow night from 6-7PM, the Library will present Tattoo Talk: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Tattoos But Were Afraid to Ask.