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The Lookout Mountain Funicular Railway opened in 1912 - Click to enlarge

76 Years Ago

The December 9, 1948 Colorado Transcript announced that a radio station had purchased the “upper terminal of the funicular” as the site of a TV and radio station. That site isn’t located within the City limits, but Golden had water lines up there, and the station was hoping to get water service.

Recognizing what an attraction a television and FM radio station would be for this vicinity, Golden City councilmen are studying with considerable favor a request by radio station KFEL for a water tap on Lookout Mountain…. In making his request, Mr. Morrisey pointed out that the station would serve as an additional attraction for tourists visiting Buffalo Bill’s grave…. Both Golden and Buffalo Bill’s grave would receive publicity thru the location of this station and would probably receive continuous mention through announcements.
Colorado Transcript
– December 9, 1948

Television was new at the time; in fact, Golden didn’t receive TV signals until 1952. The thought of having a television station on Lookout Mountain sounded terribly glamorous. Council granted them water service.

The glamour never developed, but the site was soon the favored location for the transmission equipment of Denver’s TV and radio stations. Antennas on Lookout Mountain proliferated rapidly.

This building at 836 Lookout Mountain Road served as both the TV Coffee Shop & Tavern and the Gold City Transmitter night club – Sources: February 4, 1954 Colorado Transcript, Google Street Images, and February 17, 1977 Golden Transcript – enlarge

The antennas must have carried a certain glamour of their own. In 1954, the “TV Coffee Shop & Tavern” opened at 836 Lookout Mountain Rd (map). It offered a lovely view of the ever-growing collection of antennas. In 1977, the same building opened as a nightclub called the “Gold City Transmitter.”

Today, Lookout Mountain is a thicket of antennas
