Many years ago, I think in the mid-late 1980's, Pam and John McInerney invited a bunch of us townspeople to their house to inaugurate a St Pattty's Day citywide scavenger hunt. Small Irish elves were placed around town in historical spots and other places; we had to decipher the clues, find the item and mark its location on our "cheat sheet" then move on to another clue.
I think the first year, families were together but I remember specifically when husbands and wives were on different teams and things got VERY competitive. One of the items to be "found" were CSM senior Stetsons; Bill and Marv Kay were on one team and I was on another. Bill and Marv thought they had a "shoo-in" to get these hats since they came from CSM. Well, I knew a lot of alumna too through our get-togethers so as they were gathering hats, I was on the phone too - gathering hats. It turns out, we both got the same number of hats (5 or 6).
Another search required climbing the side of NTM to where there is a natural spring (my kids were up there all the time and knew where the spring was located).
Anyway everyone had a lot of fun with these scavenger hunts. I wonder if there are any other people around town who remember participating in these hunts.
Charlene Pazar