- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 9AM
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
- Provide in-person comment during the meeting, at 9AM.
- Send email comments to pac@cityofgolden.net.
City staff will update the Commission on Council's plan to form an Arts and Culture City Council Sub-Committee.
They will discuss their recently-approved commissions for the Clear Creek Trail (map - budget: $20K), DeLong Park (map - budget: $75K), "Triangle" Park (map), and New Loveland Mine Park (map - budget $53K). The packet includes several letters from residents who live adjacent to the New Loveland Mine Park, who object to the pieces chosen. Excerpts from their comments follow.
The giant shovel and pickax, while consistent with the park name, are definitely not the kind of art I would like to look at daily in our local park. Unlike Claus Oldenburg’s giant sculptures, these have no sense of humor or social commentary. To me, they are unattractive and way too literal. In addition, they could present a danger to kids climbing on them.
This "Art" would mar the view of everyone of us in the neighborhood to the west of our wonderful New Loveland Mine Park. There is literally no reason whatsoever to damage this park with ungainly metal. I so appreciate the history of the park and at one time there was a very informative sign about this special place. A sign would be an excellent way to inform our community of the mining history rather than ungainly metal structures.
...wanted to register my strong opposition to this project. We live literally across the street from this park. Not only is the park perfect in its present form, the proposed art is ugly, visually intrusive and downright ridiculous. Please do not do this! Making matters worse, the proposed art is slated to waste $50,000 of taxpayer money on these atrocities? Absolutely unacceptable!

They will continue discussing the Shelton mural, currently on long-term loan from the Civic Foundation and display at the Community Center.