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9AM Public Art Commission @ City Hall

woman in a yellow vest polishing a bronze statue of a bear in front of the Visitors Cent
Public Art Conservation - Chris Davell - Click to enlarge

The Parks Department have scheduled a community engagement meeting on June 12th at 4PM at the triangle of land at East Street and South Golden Road. They plan to re-landscape it to use more native plants. The Public Art Commission plans to place some artwork on that land, and have delayed the call for proposals so they can see whether the public offers input at the June 12th meeting.

The Fire Department plans to unveil the new bronze firefighter statue on June 29th at 11AM.

Representatives of the public art commission, the parks board, and two citizens will soon be selecting three new pieces, for two parks and a spot along the Peaks to Plains Trail.

A conservation firm is working on several of the pieces in the collection.

City of Golden - Meeting Agenda Page
911 10th Street (map)
