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9-10:30AM Community Marketing Stakeholder Committee @ Public Works Building

Visit Golden Website - Click to enlarge

Note that this meeting will be held off-camera, in the public works building (1445 10th St. - map), so it will not be broadcast live. The Community Marketing Stakeholder Committee runs Visit Golden, the City's tourism program. It derives its funding from the Vendors Fee, which is contributed by the merchants.

A subcommittee will lead a discussion about the Golden Ticket program. They have been studying this long-running promotion, talking with businesses that accept the ticket and those that no longer do, to decide whether it's still popular and worth the expense, and whether it should be continued but "tweaked." They plan to conduct some focus groups among merchants this fall.

They will discuss the contracts with their two long-serving consultants. Joy Meadows will receive $6500/month. Kyle Blakely will receive an unspecified amount. The two of them will split an additional $3000/month to serve as the interim marketing manager.

The Golden Visitor & Information Center, which is a stand-alone non-profit organization but provides support services for Visit Golden, is requesting $2000 to help pay for building expenses, etc.

The total budget ($645,421) is detailed (p. 70 of the meeting packet).
