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7:30-9AM CBAC Meeting @ City Hall

19 people city around a conference table in City Council chambers
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Staff will review the sales, use, lodging, and marijuana revenues for the month of July (starts on p.10 of the meeting packet).

The Citizens Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) will take their first look at the Budget and Capital Improvement plan for 2025 and 2026. It starts on p. 28 of the meeting packet.

The total projected revenue for 2025 is $43,048,403. The total planned expenditures are $42,498,217.

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) shows us borrowing $60 million to build a new city hall (p. 47).

Other major projects include the West Colfax Complete Street ($17.6 million), Hwy 6 Interchange Improvements ($5 million), and Hwy 93 design work (an additional $1.3 million, on top of $1 million this year). Start on p. 48 to see the capital improvement plans.

City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (map)

Click here to watch the meeting on the city website (starting at 7:30AM).
