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6PM Golden Beer Talks: 10th Mtn Division @ The Buffalo Rose

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Tonight's speaker will be Sydney Mauck of History Colorado, with a Talk entitled Soldiers on Skis: 10th Mountain Division. She will be introduced by Denise Taylor, a descendant of a 10th Mountain Division member.

The History Colorado Center in Denver just finished an exhibition entitled Winter Warriors: The 10th Mountain Division in World War II.

Sydney will explore the unit's origins in the advent of World War II, their training at Camp Hale located here in the Rocky Mountains, and their crucial role in the fight against fascism. 

The Talk will offer insights into the Division's time here in Colorado, what it is like working with the 10th Mountain Division collection, and how History Colorado developed its Winter Warriors exhibition.

An evening hosted by Golden Beer Talks centers around a brief, informative and entertaining presentation by an expert on an irresistibly enticing topic. Each event features beer for sale from one of our local breweries, along with a variety of delicious food and drink offerings from the Buffalo Rose kitchen and bar.

It's Golden's own grassroots version of TED talks for the benefit of our own local community--and just for the fun of it. Golden Beer Talks is a nonprofit venture focused on three favorite local things--Golden and Beer and Talking!

Learn more at

Buffalo Rose
1119 Washington Avenue (map)
