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65 Years of Tonsorial Service

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Tonsorial - of or relating to a barber or the work of a barber

Del's Tonsorial Parlor will be celebrating their 65th anniversary tomorrow. That's an impressive accomplishment for a small business!

Colorado Transcript - January 31, 1957

The January 31, 1957 Colorado Transcript announced the opening of O'Brien's Tonsorial Parlor, a new barber shop at 1113 Washington Avenue, owned by Jack O'Brien. In keeping with the times, the shop's first newspaper ad announced that they specialized in "Flat-tops and other style CREW CUTS."

One of Jack's first barbers was young Delmer (Del) Miller.

Colorado Transcript - June 11, 1959Del's first advertisement appeared in a special issue of the Transcript, celebrating Golden's centennial. Many of the businesses gave their ads an old-timey twist. Del's went back to the custom from the middle ages of barbers performing medical procedures such as blood-letting.

Two Years Later (June, 1959)
In 1959, Del purchased the business from O'Brien; thus, DEL'S TONSORIAL was born. Styles changed over time. With the advent of the Beatles, flattops gave way to moptops. Del remarked that the popularity of longer hair was great for business.

The business stayed in its original location until 1970. At that time, Del moved to its current spot, at 1210 Washington Avenue. He expanded the scope of the business in 1976: originally a men's barber shop, Del's became a full-service salon, serving men, women, and children.

Courtesy - Vic DeMaria

Thirty-Some Years After That: The Robie Dynasty
By the mid-1990s, Del was ready to retire, so he sold the business to Bill and Dianne Robie. Their daughter Barb, a stylist herself, managed the business. In 2016, Barb Robie purchased it from her parents. Barb's daughter Alex now works in the shop part-time.

Tomorrow (September 21, 12-3PM), all Del's Tonsorial customers—past, present, and future—are invited to help them celebrate 65 Years In Business!

Many thanks to the Golden Rotary Club for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of September.
