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6-7:45PM Golden Beer Talks - Marv Kay and Three Golden Heroes - Dr. Dendy Sloan @ The Buffalo Rose

About 35 people sitting at tables waiting for Golden Beer Talks to start
Waiting for a Golden Beer Talk to start @ the Buffalo Rose Events Center - Click to enlarge

Featured Brewery:
AC Golden
Introduction by: Former Mayor Marjorie Sloan

Dr. Sloan—author of a recently published book focused on the accomplishments of Colorado School of Mines football coach and Golden Mayor Marv Kay—will highlight the last 50 years of change in Mines and the City of Golden using the vehicle of Kay, who described the university and the city as “two gloves on the same body.”

During his lifetime, Kay facilitated major Golden changes through his dedication, altruism and empathy—exemplified by three local heroes: Glenn Porzak, Nils Christiansen and Terre Deegan-Young.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Sloan, Mines University Professor Emeritus, has earned many awards over his long and respected career. He also is a well-published author, with his ninth book entitled Marv Kay: The Coach, The School and The City released in February of this year.

Golden Beer Talks is honored to welcome Dendy back for his third appearance. Previously he has regaled our audience on the topics of Three Minds and Memory and Bias in the Brains of Good People: Where Neuroscience Meets Social Science.

Learn more about Golden Beer Talks.

Buffalo Rose
1119 Washington Avenue (map)
