Join us in traveling through Deep Geologic Time across the Golden area. You will learn about landscape changes over the last 300+ million years, as continents came together and split apart several times while moving from the tropics at sea level to today’s middle latitude and mountain elevations. Each landscape hosted incredibly different and now-extinct plants and animals, leaving behind a rich fossil record, including those in Golden. Mountains rose and then eroded away several times in Colorado. The Front Range we see today is the last remnant of those ancestral mountain ranges. It has been sculpted by several glacial episodes in the geologically recent past as climate changed from warm to cool and back several times.
How do we “read” rock layers? Why are some rocks red or green? Were there really camels in the Golden area? What about dinosaurs, like at Dinosaur Ridge and Triceratops Trail, tropical forests, and the asteroid extinction event (“K-T” boundary)? What does Apex Gulch and Lamb Springs tell us about animals of the last Ice Age and human interactions? What does past climate tell us about the future?
More information and to register
Golden History Museum
923 10th Street (Map)
6-7:30PM on Wednesday, Mar. 12th