- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 6:30PM
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
- Send comments on any of the following topics to planning@cityofgolden.net
- Provide in-person comment (limited to 3 minutes) during the meeting, at 6:30PM.

The Historic Preservation Board will consider providing Certificates of Appropriateness for CoorsTek to demolish 703 and 707 7th Street (map), adjacent to their Clayworks project.

These houses will be replaced with a new building--one designated for Office and Parking.

The next case is a request for Certificate of Appropriateness to build a duplex in the backyard of 1615 Ford Street (map).

The final case begins on p. 98 of the meeting packet and requests a of certificate of participation for an addition to 1815 East Street (map).