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6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers

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Public Comment

The meeting begins with public comment. If you want to address Council, you will have three minutes to speak. Any public comments received by email before 3PM will be posted in the meeting packet after 3 (so check back then!).

Indigenous Connections Update

The History Museum Manager will provide an update on the museum's ongoing Indigenous Connections projects.

The following issues are considered non-controversial, not needing discussion. All items will be approved at once, with one vote. Any councilor wishing to discuss one of the issues can request that it be removed from the consent agenda and discussed and voted on separately.

  • Accepting right-of-way dedication of Tract A of the Camping World Subdivision.  The right of way in question is across the street from the Golden Cemetery (map).
  • Requesting an easement from Jefferson County and approving an agreement to convey a permanent utility easement and a temporary construction easement from Jefferson County.  This easement will allow the city to replace a water line that serves 75 homes in the Beverly Heights neighborhood.
  • Approving the extension of the agreement between the City of Golden and Fivestar Construction LLC for on-call specialty concrete services.  This extension approves an additional $950,000 to Fivestar.
  • Approving the Fifth Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Golden and Mile High Flood District regarding design and construction of drainage and flood control improvements for Lena Gulch.  This agreement covers Lena gulch from Heritage Square to the intersection of Heritage Road and Colfax.  This section of the project will cost the city $350,000.  Different agreements will cover additional parts of the project.
  • First reading of a change to the Municipal Code to allow the city's parking contractor, Interstate Parking, to pursue unpaid fines through a collections process.  The public hearing will be held on March 25th.



City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street   (Map)


6:30PM on Tuesday, Feb. 25th
