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6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall

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There will be three public hearings tonight (see the PUBLIC HEARINGS section below). If you want to comment on any of those topics, you should wait until the public hearing. If you want to comment on any other public business, do it during this period, at the beginning of the meeting. You will have 3 minutes to speak. Council may not respond to your questions or comments.

Written comments that were submitted before 3PM will be added to the meeting packet. Refresh the page some time after 3PM.

Topics on the "Consent Agenda," will not be discussed unless one or more of the Councilors requests discussion.

  • Resolution 3121 approves an updated intergovernmental agreement with Jefferson County to provide SWAT services. Learn more.
  • Resolution 3123 approves a change order to the contract with Fivestar Construction, which provides specialty concrete services. The original contract was for $850K. This amendment includes an additional $100K.

    The original contract included widening the Clear Creek Trail by RV Park, the new connecting trail between the Clear Creek Trail and Clear Creek Commons, modifications to the beach area and several smaller projects for parks, planning, and the museum. This additional funding covers the upgraded basketball court in Lions Park, some concrete bases for public art and four new raised crosswalks. Learn more.
  • Resolution 3129 amends a contract with Diamond Contract regarding 2024 utility replacement. This change will increase the contract from $1,327,494.57 to $1,577,494.57. Learn more.
  • Resolution 3131 approves replacing 39 self-contained breathing apparatuses and associated equipment for the Fire Department at a net cost of $448,725. Learn more.




  • Ordinance 2248 will move the city-owned property east of Ford Street into the Downtown Development Authority's sphere of influence. This encompasses the property that the City purchased from Coors, and will allow the City to sell parcels to developers with favorable tax deals. It will also allow the DDA to finance infrastructure improvements in that area. Learn more.
  • Ordinance 2249 allows the City to borrow up to $7,500,000 for drainage improvements along Lena Gulch. Learn more.
  • Resolution 3128 approves a final plat and subdivision development agreement for 17270 W. Colfax (map). This will turn the 3.68 acre plot from storage units into commercial and residential units. (As of last May, they were planning 182 residential apartments, 28 of which will be boarding units, 8,778 square feet of commercial space for a restaurant and coffee shop, and 175 parking spaces.) Learn more.
