Matt Darling has dedicated years to studying the intricate history of American railroads. As an expert on Western railroads, Darling has contributed extensively through his publications and lectures. His most recent book, The History of Railroads in Palisade, Colorado, delves into the rich history of Palisade’s rise as a railroad hub from 1890 onwards.
In the late 19th century, railroad expansion brought new opportunities and prosperity to the West. The journey of establishing routes through the mountainous terrain of Colorado was filled with challenges, causing Palisade’s inclusion on these routes to come relatively late. However, once connected in 1890, Palisade rapidly became an essential hub for shipping the renowned Palisade peaches and other fruit to the Midwest. Additionally, it was a significant source of bituminous coal. Passenger trains also serviced the town for several decades, making it a bustling center of activity.
Join us as Darling explores the pivotal role of the railroad in Palisade’s development. His presentation will illuminate the town’s transformation into a vital shipping hub, the complex engineering feats required to lay tracks through Colorado’s rugged landscapes, and the changing dynamics that followed. This engaging program promises a journey through the historical intricacies of railroading in Palisade, filled with stories of innovation and the local peach industry.
An Evening of Colorado History – Relax, enjoy a beverage and travel back to a time when railroads shaped the American West.
Colorado Railroad Museum
17155 W. 44th Avenue (map)
7:00pm - bar opens at 6:30pm.
Admission: $20 Adults. Ages 21+ only. Admission includes 2 beverages of your choice (beer, wine or soda) and snacks (provided by The Cheese Ranch Deli).