- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 5PM
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
- Send comments on any of the following topics to PublicComment@cityofgolden.net BEFORE 3PM
- In-person comment is not accepted during study sessions, but you can speak when the business meeting starts at 7PM.
5-5:30PM Water Rights
The City's water attorney will discuss water rights that we have and more that we hope to acquire. No information is included in the meeting packet, so you must watch the meeting to learn more on this topic.

5:30-6PM Redistricting and Elections
Every four years, the City Clerk reviews the distribution of voters within each ward to ensure that the wards are reasonably close in population size. The goal is to make sure the most populated ward is no more than 15% greater than the least populated ward.
- Ward 1: 3,147 registered voters
- Ward 2: 3,219 registered voters
- Ward 3: 3,445 registered voters
- Ward 4: 2,844 registered voter
This year, Ward 3 has grown so it has 17.56% more voters than Ward 4. The Clerk is recommending that the ward boundary be adjusted so that 325 voters are transferred from Ward 3 to Ward 4. If Council accepts this recommendation, staff will draft an ordinance for approval at a future meeting. Learn more.
6-6:30PM The New City Hall
The Assistant to the City Manager (Steve Glueck) and the Deputy City Manager (Carly Lorentz) will give an update on the design process underway for the new City Hall. No drawings are included in the meeting packet, but the memo implies that some will be shown during the meeting, "showing the overall site plan, drainage, basic landscape and security plans, and a high level floorplan review trying to focus broadly on the general location of departments and work groups." Learn more.
At the end of the study session there will be a 30 minute break. The business meeting will begin at 7PM.