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5PM City Council Study Session @ City Hall

City Council in Study Session - Click to enlarge

Arts and Culture Subcommittee Update
Council plans to set up a new citizens committee to cover the public art collection, city-sponsored events (trick-or-treat, Goldens in Golden, Movies & Music, and Olde Golden Holidays), and grants to Golden cultural organizations. They want to move the History Museum from the Parks board to the new Arts & Culture board. They also plan to add a half-time city employee to oversee this collection of topics. Learn more.

Boards and Commissions Subcommittee
Citizens are encouraged to apply for boards & commissions every spring. This year, council received 38 applications for 22 vacancies on the various board & commissions. They are considering some changes to the selection process, which could include interviewing only their first choice candidate. City staff will provide council with a list of existing board members and staff liasons to each board will provide comments regarding board members who are re-applying and types of experience that would help the board. The meeting memo includes the questions that are used in the interview (which might be helpful to those planning to apply next year). Learn more.

Phase 3 Zoning Code Rewrite Update
The Planning Department is rewriting parts of the zoning code, and seeks council input on several possible changes. They have consolidated land use rules into a table, to make the information more accessible. They are are considering changes to parking requirements. They plan to expand the area requiring notices for variances and adjustments

They have been discussing drive-throughs. The original suggestion was banning them for new construction. Now they are considering whether the different types of drive-throughs (banks, fast food, car wash, coffee shop) should have different regulations.

They will be working on the fast track process to facilitate a 3% annual increase in Golden's affordable housing. Learn more.

There will be a dinner break between the 5PM Study Session and the 6:30PM Business Meeting.
