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5PM City Council Study Session and Business Meeting

blonde brick city hall building with big pot of coleus in front
Golden City Hall - Photo by Joyce Davell - Click to enlarge

5-6:30PM City Council Study Session

No public comment is accepted during City Council Study Sessions, though you are free to send emails by 3PM to Comments received by 3PM will be added to the meeting packet.

5-5:30PM The Deputy City Manager and Assistance to the City Manager will provide background and next steps for the Heart of Golden/New Police & City Hall plan. They will recommend approval of a contract to hire the architects for the project. Approval will occur later, during the business meeting. (See Where are we with the new City Hall? for more background on this project.) Learn more.

12th Street Historic District - Photo by Richard Luckin

5:30-6PM Staff will update Council on the "Historic Preservation Policy & Engagement Study" that they have commissioned. They began with public tours of our three historic districts in June. They will hold a public open house on July 22nd. They will also online engagement to accept more comments. The team's recommendations will be available for review in October. Learn more.

6-6:30PM Staff will present their Transportation Demand Management strategy for downtown Golden. The goal of this plan is to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles that visit downtown (and possibly the South Golden Road corridor). Proposed solutions include improved public transportation (the Ore Cart buses), more bike racks, wider sidewalks, 4-day work weeks including 2 days of working at home for City employees, and rebates for ebike purchases, eliminating free parking for employees, car shares, and fewer parking spaces. Learn more.

6:30-7PM Dinner break

7PM Regular Business Meeting

Public Comment is accepted at the beginning of the meeting. You'll have 3 minutes to speak. Alternatively, you can send emails by 3PM to Comments received by 3PM will be added to the meeting packet.

Consent Matters include items considered uncontroversial, probably not requiring discussion.

Hiring Architects for New Municipal Buildings
They will consider approving a $2,620,610 contract for an architecture firm to design the proposed new municipal buildings on the site of the former Coors office building. Learn more.

Executive Session
After the business meeting, they will withdraw into Executive Session (no public, no cameras) to provide periodic evaluations of the City Manager and City Attorney.
