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5-7PM Lookout Mountain Road Study Open House

looking down on a double hairpin turn on the Lookout Mountain Road
Photo by Bud Rockhill - Click to enlarge

Purpose of the Study
This is an iconic destination that provides access to local communities, open spaces, historical sites, trails, stunning views of the front range, and lots of recreation opportunities. This roadway serves various users, from bicyclists and pedestrians to motorists, motorcyclists, and the occasional hang glider. It is important that this road is safe for all users who enjoy it. Therefore, the county is seeking design recommendations to improve functionality and safety for all users.

Attend the open house meeting to explore and discuss draft concepts for improvement. Provide your input to help refine the design for enhanced safety and functionality for all users.

More information

Jefferson County Administration and Court Facility
100 Jefferson County Parkway (map)
