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5:30PM Planning Commission @ City Hall

1970s-era postcard for the Old Miners Inn - Click to enlarge

Planning Commission will consider three cases tonight:

  1. Clear Creek Lane (map)

The owners of owners of property near Clear Creek Ln want to amend an existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) on some vacant property. The PUD originally permitted construction of forty condos on that land. The current owners want to change the PUD to twenty-two dwelling units would could include single family, duplex, and row houses.

satellite view on the land south of Clear Creek with one long building complex (condos) and a larger area outlined south of it
The existing buildings are Canyonside Condominiums. The area within the green perimeter is the proposed site for future development.

The property lies south of the Canyonside Condominiums. Those were originally built as a motel (The Old Miners Inn) but were later converted into condos.

The vacant property may pose some development challenges, including potential rockfalls, slippage of the adjacent Mt. Zion, and possible difficulty in getting water and sewer lines to the spot. However, at this point those points don't need to be resolved. The Planning Commission is only asked to approve the PUD change to allow a reduction in the number of proposed dwelling units.

Learn more.

  1. 705 Iowa Street (map)
left picture shows small white one story house; right picture shows a garage added to left side with 2nd story above
Existing home and proposed addition at 705 Iowa Street

The owners of 705 Iowa Street want to add a garage with second story to their 500 sq. ft. home. In order to do this, they need Planning Commission approval for a smaller setback (6'9") than that required by code (10").

Learn more.

  1. 518 N. Columbine Street (map)
Two story tan house with garage under one section and a tall wooden gate providing access to a side yard
518 N. Columbine St.

The owner of 518 N. Columbine Street wants to replace his fence. The current fence was built with some sections as much as 7 feet tall. Newer building code would only allow a 6 foot fence. The owner requests approval to rebuild the 7 foot sections and make some parts even taller--up to 8 feet.

Learn more.

Meeting agenda
Meeting broadcast on this page (starting at 5:30)
Meeting location:
City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (map)
