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5:30PM Downtown Development Authority (DDA) @ City Hall

Proposed Changes to 14th & Ford - Click to enlarge

City Council recently approved a new IGA, which extended the DDA's initial 10-year agreement with the City. Tonight, the DDA will discuss and approve the new terms.

City Planners will present their plans for changing the intersection of 14th and Ford. This part of a larger project to make many changes along Ford & Jackson from 14th to 24th. The changes are designed to improve conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians.

They will review the current boundaries of the DDA district as a likely precursor to expanding their territory to include the former Coors property in Goosetown.

They will review the Transportation Demand Management strategy that City Council reviewed last week. The goal of this plan is to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles that visit downtown (and possibly the South Golden Road corridor). Proposed solutions include improved public transportation (the Ore Cart buses), more bike racks, wider sidewalks, 4-day work weeks including 2 days of working at home for City employees, and rebates for ebike purchases, eliminating free parking for employees, car shares, and fewer parking spaces. Learn more. Council heard from many downtown employers and employees last week, protesting the idea of eliminating free parking for employees, so that idea is unlikely to be employed. Since the DDA will be affected by this plan, they will eventually receive a formal presentation on the plan.
