- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 5:30PM
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
- Send comments on any of the following topics to dda@cityofgolden.net
- Provide in-person comment during the meeting, at 5:30PM.
Tonight's Topics:
Downtown Golden Wayfinding and Inventory and Assessment Project - The City has hired a graduate student to evaluate the current collection of directional signs and make recommendations regarding improvements to the signage.
Continued discussion of turning some or all of the Astor House/Miners Alley theater parking lot into a "Cultural Plaza." An earlier version of this plan proposed the eastern half of this parking lot to be used as a "Common Consumption area," where members of the public could sit at tables unassociated with the nearby restaurants. This new version calls that same area a "Cultural Plaza." The adjacent culturals and businesses have expressed reservations about this plan, and members of the public are concerned about the loss of parking spots. Nevertheless, city planners continue to bring this project to the DDA in hopes that they will fund it. (pp. 9-13 of the meeting packet)
They will review a $25,850 proposal to improve electrical service for the Farmer's Market lot and Parfet Park. (pp. 14 and 15 of the meeting packet)
The DDA/City Priorities tracker (pp. 17 and 18) shows that the DDA has approved the following expenses for this year:
- Sustainability grants (estimated $25-75K/yr)
- Repair lights on bridge over hwy 58 ($25K) and continue conceptual work for "gateway" in that area ($25K)
- Conceptual design for cultural plaza in the Astor House/Miners Alley Playhouse parking lot ($10-15K)
- Up to $100,000 for design work on the Jackson Street Streetscape, which will eliminate 51 parking spaces.
- $250,000 to design an underpass of Ford Street on the north side of the creek.
- Redesign of Parfet Park, Vanover Park, and new City creekside land to the east of Vanover Park, and the connections among them all ($200K-300K). Note this is only the design phase; construction is estimated at $10-14 million
- Unspecified contribution to a $500,000 plan to improve downtown wayfaring signage
- $30K to improve electrical service in the Farmers Market lot and Parfet Park
- $80,000 toward pedestrian improvements at 14th and Ford
City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (Map)
5:30-7PM on Monday, Feb. 24th