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4:30-6PM REDI Task Force Meeting @ City of Golden Planning and Public Works

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The REDI (Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Task Force is composed of community members and city staff who have a key role in implementing aspects of the REDI Action Plan, finalized by the City in November of 2022.

The Task Force focuses on promoting accountability for implementing the REDI Action Plan and coordinating community-wide efforts to advance equity.

The task force meets monthly in Council Chambers (911 10th St.) on the first Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.

Note: This month's meeting was rescheduled to the second Thursday due to a conflict with the State of the City meeting.

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City of Golden Planning and Public Works
1445 10th St   (Map)


4:30-6PM on Thursday, Mar. 13th
