- After a tumultuous but relatively brief high water period, Clear Creek was opened for tubing and kayaking.
- The M had some electrical problems, but when it came back online, it included a 150 subscript in honor of the School's sesquicentennial.
- The Lions Club held their annual 4th of July Festival. A brass band playing patriotic music was substituted for fireworks.
- The Quilt Museum held summer camps to teach kids to quilt.
- Leadership Golden held a meet-up for past and potential members at Golden City Brewery.
- Golden Beer Talks hosted Dr. Dendy Sloan, who discussed the late Marv Kay (subject of Dendy's most recent book) and three other Golden Heroes—Glenn Porzak, Nils Christiansen and Terre Deegan-Young
- There was a grass fire in New Loveland Mine Park.
- After a multi-year construction process, the house at 19th and Ford street was finished.
- School of Rock opened at Miners Alley Performing Arts Center.
- The Quilt Museum opened their Photos, Pixels, & Pizzazz exhibit.
- Buffalo Bill Days took place, the last weekend of July.
- The City showed Shrek at Movies & Music in the Park.

- Several wildfires along the front range brought hundreds of animals to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Volunteers kept them safe, fed, and watered.
- The Chamber of Commerce hosted the Golden Fine Arts Festival.
- Golden Rotary Club held their annual peach sale.
- The Railroad Museum hosted Gold Rush Days.
- The Downtown Development Authority began talking to property owners at Washington Avenue and Hwy 58 about constructing some kind of signature gateway at that spot.
- Dr. Tanja Rauch-Williams talked about wastewater at the August Golden Beer Talk. She was joined by Brian Tracy from the City of Golden and Mark Koch from Coors.
- The kids went back to school.
- New students at the School of Mines contributed rocks from their home towns and put a new coat of whitewash on the M.

- Residents near the New Loveland Mine Park asked the Art Commission to install the new art where they couldn't see it from their houses.
- Planning Staff recommended that any Group Homes ("residents with behavioral or mental health disorders, substance disorders, and up to one sex offender") be situated along transit routes and that the Planning Director be able to approve them without a public hearing.
- Planning Staff suggested replacing all public parking along Washington Avenue with "dining corrals." They were also considering putting dining enclosures in the public parking lots.
- The Chamber hosted VIBE @ Five with Astro Coffee.
- The American Mountaineering Museum closed for "an indeterminate period of time."
- City Council discussed the proposed Arts & Culture Commission. There will be nine members and up to four of them need not live in Golden.
- Staff provided Council with their recommendation to remove 51 parking spaces in the Jackson Street corridor.
- The Marketing Stakeholder Committee (Visit Golden) voted to provide funding to the Golden Visitors Center.