Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
JCPHD updates their COVID statistics Monday through Friday at about 3 PM. Tomorrow’s email will provide the latest numbers.
Virtual Golden
10:15-11:15AM Cuentacuentos en español / Spanish Story Time with the Library
6:30PM Historic Preservation Board Meeting
HPB will be asked to provide a Certificate of Appropriateness for changes to 1100 13th Street (map), which is a contributing structure to the 12th Street Historic District. The owners plan a remodel, garage ADU addition and porch expansion. The Board will also be asked to provide a Certificate of Appropriateness for changes to 510 19th Street (map), which is a non-contributing structure within the East Street Historic District. The owners plan an exterior remodel and modification of the existing residential building and a new detached garage.
The board will also hear an update regarding the plan to protect the Astor House with a Historic Preservation easement. HPB approved that plan at last month’s meeting, but now City staff is recommending against it, saying they want more “flexibility” in what they can do with the building. See the details….
Real World Golden
The moon will be full tonight! It will rise at 8:40PM and set tomorrow morning at 6:49AM.
Golden Business News
Donna Owen, owner of Avenue Gifts, has been working in retail on Washington Avenue since 1959. She began working in the Foss Drug restaurant at a teenager, rose through the ranks to become a Vice President, and stayed there for nearly 40 years. After a brief hiatus working for Evergreen Drugs, her current shop became available and she was back on Washington Avenue.
Coronavirus is bringing the current chapter to an end. Avenue Gifts begins their inventory reduction sale today. Donna says she will be in the store every day from 11AM-5PM until the store is empty.
Avenue Gifts | 1212 Washington | 303-279-0200 | Map
Golden History Moment
Donna Owen started working for Foss in 1959. Here’s a run-down of some other things–nearly as momentous–that were happening in Golden in 1959.
Jackson Street was built over a former railroad right-of-way. At that time, Ford Street became one-way north while Jackson was one-way south.
The city was growing like crazy: a record number of building permits were issued for commercial buildings, and a near-record number of permits were issued for residential buildings in 1959.
Golden celebrated its 100th anniversary with a big parade and street party in June.
The Chamber of Commerce undertook a major campaign to encourage the citizens to fund a new municipal center on 10th Street. The bond issue passed, and we built our current police & fire departments, City Hall, a recreation center, a swimming pool, and a new library.