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10AM-6PM Scandinavian Midsummer Festival in Parfet Park

9 scenes showing people in folk costume, Viking helmut, a longboard, craftspeople, musicians, and a May pole
Scandinavian Festival in Parfet Park - Photos by Joyce Davell - enlarge - Click to enlarge

Scandinavian Market * Food * Performances * Activities * Beer Garden * More...

Over 80 artisans, organizations, and performers share our cultural heritage through food, crafts, performances and activities. This annual festival will surely become a much anticipated tradition. Check out the Scandinavian Classic Car Show with the Rocky Mountain Saab Club.


10AM Scandinavian Trio
10:30AM Scandinavian Strings
11AM Ring Dances Around the Maypole with
Scandinavian Folk Dancers of Phoenix
11:30AM Swedish Folk Dans Club of Denver
12PM Chris Welsh of Sun & Moon
Dance: Viking Instruments
12:30PM Valkyrie Dance Collective
1PM Fjellborg Vikings
1:15 PM Kiddie Vike! (Children vs. Fjellborg “Battle”)
1:30PM Nicolette Andres – Hardingfele
2PM Ring Dances Around the Maypole with
Scandinavian Folk Dancers of Phoenix
2:30PM Costume Expo & Contest
3PM Nordic Daughter
3:30PM Chris Welsh of Sun & Moon Dance:
Viking Instruments
4PM Swedish Folk Dans Club of Denver
4:30PM Fjellborg Vikings
4:45PM Kiddie Vike! (Children vs. Fjellborg “Battle”)
5PM Nordic Daughter
5:30PM Closing Ceremony Grand March with
Scandinavian Folk Dancers of Phoenix
6PM Festival Closes
