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10AM-3PM Car 25 Annual Open House

old black & white photo of a streetcar in Golden - dirt streets - and a street car on tracks in an open field
Interurban at 12th and Washington and Car 25 at the Federal Center - Click to enlarge

I rarely recommend that anyone leave the Golden city limits. Today is an exception. Golden used to be served by two interurban rail lines. One went through Arvada and the other through Lakewood.

Commuter rail service throughout the Denver metro region was discontinued in 1950 and most of the streetcars were scrapped. Fortunately, one of the cars that served Golden was preserved by the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club. They’ve worked for many years to restore the car to its 1911 appearance. At that time, the line was known as the Denver & Interurban RR. The restored car is kept at the Denver Federal Center. Once a year, they hold an open house so the public can see the car and ride on it. Today is the day, from 10AM and 3PM!

Please bring a government-issued ID to enter the Federal Center. 

For more information visit
