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1-4PM Composition and Color with Jane Mathews @ The Quilt Museum

wooden boat on a beach by the ocean - sunset sky
Click to enlarge

Visual compositions including quilts require an understanding of basic composition styles and harmonies to feel right. Colors also play into the mix and even your personality comes into play! 

Jane will lead you through the principles of design and color with demonstrations,
and hands-on short class assignments. Students will learn how to look
at compositions and solve visual problems.

Discussion will include how one's personality influences design choices and taking risks

Supplies: Scissors, GlueStik, Ruler

Go to Home Depot, Lowes, etc, and pick up a variety of color cards,
and folders with small squares of color samples in a variety of light,
dark and medium colors and values.

Register here

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum
200 Violet Street, Suite 240 (map)

Skill Level: Beginner
