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City Council and High School Concert

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City Council will hold their final meeting for the year tonight at 6:30 in City Council Chambers. The business meeting items all fall within the “Consent Agenda,” which means that they will all be approved at once, unless somebody requests discussion on one of the items. The items include rights-of-way, easements, and the award of several bids, including $297,431.10 to landscape Heritage Road, $105,000 to recoat the thickener tank at the water treatment plant, and a 4-year “on call engineering service” contract with Muller Engineering and IMEG Inc to be used as needed. No rates were specified for the engineering contracts.

After the business meeting, they will adjourn to a study session to learn about the Sustainability Board’s proposed new goals for the coming year.

After the study session, they will hold an Executive Session (not on camera and closed to the public) “For Determining Positions Relative To Matters That May Be Subject To Negotiations; Developing Strategy For Negotiations; And Instructing Negotiators Regarding Property Lying East Of Ford Street Near 10th Street.

This year’s budget discussions have emphasized our straitened finances, so it seems improbable that the City would be contemplating a large purchase. I will be waiting with great interest to learn the topic of tonight’s Executive Session.

Photo courtesy of the Golden High School Performing Arts Booster Club

The High School’s various musical groups will give their Winter Music Concert tonight at 7PM in the High School auditorium at 701 24th St. (map). Come hear the various groups perform! Band, Orchestra, 24th Street Singers,, Demon Jazz, Musical theater, and a selection of solo an duet numbers will be featured. Admission is a voluntary donation to the performing arts program and/or items for the Denver Rescue Mission (gently used blankets, new socks). They will perform again tomorrow night (Friday) at 6:30PM. Should be a great concert. (Thanks the reminder, Violet!)
